Friday, May 9, 2014

i don't deserve for tears

another annoying sad day. oh god, it just so obvious that i never deserved for tears. i don't, i don't deserve time i don't deserve anything. im choking inside this room and i can't leave and no matter what happened, the air doesn't thin out.

it filled my lungs with all this sick congestion and nothing, no one is here to save me.
because everyone is so busy eating their own problems and compared to them my pain, my suffering wouldn't count an ounce. they pity me, saying that they understand.
but how could you understand when you push me back down each time i gasp for air, there is not a single soul that is kind enough, selfless enough to listen to me.

because when i storm out or wear eye-liner slightly thicker they believed that im fighting, that im retaliating but oh allah im barely reaching out for a proper space, i know im the worst of them all.

and one gets what they deserved, thank you for still giving me air.
but this air i breathe is sucking my soul away. im really tired now.

im completely worn out now.

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