Friday, January 17, 2014


hi there.
so this is my new blog. i stopped writing here quite some time ago but im writing again, because well i just like it.

im a simple person who dreams a lot of amazing things and wishes to love amazing people however i still lack a lot, but i guess it does not stop me from doing the things i love. im currently studying mass communication and at first i thought this course was all about papers and cameras, turns out its way more glamorous. and well it apparently didn't fit me much but i realized that being positive and accepting the bright sides of life is somehow much easier.

im an introvert who loves writing and daydreaming so i guess writing is something much easier than actual talking because obviously i don't really talk well. i write stories and most of them are based on koreans but each story are made with a lot of effort so most of the time im pretty content with the results.

plan on being a writer/editor in a magazine firm. but my dream is to have a life somewhere new (cough SOUTH KOREA cough) and maybe settle down in the suburbs of malaysia maybe cameron highland making coffee on higher grounds. a simple but very peaceful dream.

well enough about myself. wait, maybe a little bit more (since its my blog :P) erm i write totally random stuff in here but i'll try to make it something worth wasting time on. but even if no one reads this blog, i'll just content for this little space that i can freely rant on.

and braces yourself because well..... i curse better than i smile so.........
and there will be love letters, suicidal letter and just a blend of messed up emotions in my daily life.

i probably won't update much but well yeah.

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