Saturday, January 18, 2014


life is like this endless cycle of up and downs.

but for some people, even when it goes up traces of the times when you were in the darkest pit follows.
as for me it  never leaves. i am NEVER enough for my self that each and everything i do becomes a disappointment to my self. i am tired almost every day, trying to convince myself that im doing fine when for sure i am not.

and it shows, because even when i try to find meaning in life.... falling in love with reality is like asking me to swallow shards of glass and tell me that it will save my guts.

when obviously it's not. reality sucks and i hate it. every part of reality makes me throw up in my mouth and each breathe i take is like sand paper in my nose forcing way their way in. i am so messed up that even when i break not a single soul notice and they assume i am fine


because i am someone who does not need pity but understanding. i never let them know of how shitty my day feels, yes i crawl into my bed and covers my head and look like a person just died but well reality never really gives two damned shits to lacking souls like mine.

and the world never really see people like me, people who are just to messed in their own mind. constantly asking the lord to make themselves better when we all know its useless.
how better can i get? how far can i really go? how much longer do i need to stay afloat so that the audience of reality would assume that i am  doing fine?

well im sore.

all over in all of limbs it is pulsing out of my veins and i have no fucking strength to endure.
it hurts and there is nothing that i can do. a plague of heart is incurable. and it hurts more to know that even sometimes the people we had believed would save us is the reason we're drowning.

i am going through that now, accepting the fact that my saviour would just be my death. and i am tired.
and unless i break out into tears and crawl on this dirty floor, only then people would understand the pain i am carrying each day.

so fine, i'll bear all this pain quietly even when my knees rust and falter.

would you?

don't you think that behind all those darkness within his character there are truth behind it?
personally, that is where i think reality is.

there are no sheer happiness, behind each smiles we are just a fake as the smile torn on joker's face. And we are worst, because it our own flesh that curls up and defy ourselves.

to know this, Mr. JOKER my answer is

i am. i am very much depressed. 

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